Verdens travleste mann, eks-senator Barock O'Bottom aka. Barack Obama, har endelig sendt meg svar på postkortet mitt:
-----Original Message -----
From: bhusseinobama@presidentmail.com
From: bhusseinobama@presidentmail.com
To: Lyndon, B. Johnson postcards@live.no
Sent: Sat 21. november 2008 03.07 + 0200
Sv: Do I Barack your world?
Sv: Do I Barack your world?
Hiya, LBJ! 'zup?!
Thanks for sending me such a great postcard from Freiburg (although I believe Aalesund is your current place of residence?)! Currently I'm a very busy man, moving all of my shit into the White House (I really can't wait to take over for that warthog George Costa-- eh... Bush!) and picking out a fluffy little dog for my family and I. I've read in the tabloids that all presidents have a dog, so I figured I had to get one as well.
Anyways, I was on the bus yesterday, like the Norwegian king Olav was some 35 years ago, on my way to the golfcourse, and in front of me there were these two adolescent girls humming away at the tunes from their (tr)iPods. The lucid one started singeng, and from what I could hear, the lyrics were about me! So I got off the bus, called my pilot and had him pick me up in a chopper and take me to the nearest computer, which was in an apartment three stories up. i googled all over the place, and found a song called "I Got a Crush on Obama" by someone called Obama-girl. Turns out she works for a company called BarelyPolitical.
Now, Lyndon, I know that you are just a paranthesis in the row of American presidents, but I think you should check out this song, maybe make your own version. Just push HERE. I know she's purdy, but I'm confident you can make a more memerable performance.
Let's talk about you visiting my crib/office in the White House. I won't move in until mid-January I think, and first I have to fix some financial stuff and remove a few soldiers from a place abroad, but that wont take long, and after that you are more than welcome, i.e you are überwelcome to come visit me! We could hang in the garden, play some ball and maybe reminisce about that thime the Dalai Lama made a dump in your garden.
Lookin' forward to seeing you, buoy;) Get it?
FP Obama
--------End of transmission---------
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