Hans film The Room ble spilt inn åtte måneder, og kostet hele 6 millioner dollar å lage. Det var opprinnelig ment som et kjærlighetsdrama, men etter at folk har omfavnet den som en komedie, har Wiseau uttalt at det var ment som en sort komedie. Innspillingen er gjort i et hus, og på et hustak (med blue-screen-omgivelser), skuespillerne leser rett fra manus uten noesomhelst innlevelse og
The Room er med all sannsynlighet den fæleste filmen noensinne. Den eneste plausible forklaringen for hvorfor The Room er som den er, er at Tommy Wisseau kommer fra en annen planet. Filmen er resultatet av Wiseaus studie av menneskelige relasjoner.
Han har funnet ut at mennesker har sex med hverandre, men vet ikke hvordan det fungerer, ergo får vi mange scener hvor menn tilsynelatende støter penisene sine mot den kvinnelige hovedrollens mage.
Mennene i filmen går ut for å kaste ball til hverandre med jevne mellomrom. De omtaler det som å spille fotball, men gjør ikke annet enn å stå så og si stille og kaste ball til hverandre.
Wiseau spiller selv hovedrollen. Han har forstått at mennesker ler ofte, men han vet ikke av hva, derfor ler han med en tørr, fullstendig unaturlig latter etter omtrent hver kommentar han får. Ansikten til Wiseau ser forøvrig strekt og stygt og ligner plastikk. Wiseau er et romvesen.
Noen pene plot-holes:
Laudette's breast cancer Mentioned early on in the film, it quickly becomes a non-issue, with treatment taking second place to her real estate woes and Lisa's relationship.[5][6]
Is Denny mentally challenged? Though he is apparently in college, it is never quite clear if Denny is a fully functioning adult, mainly due to his ignorance of social norms.
Did Johnny hit Lisa? It remains unclear whether Johnny hit Lisa (or when).[7] Either way, it is also unclear how he came to learn that she was spreading this information, fact or fiction, as before Johnny's complaints Lisa is only shown telling her mother.
Denny's drug problem Details are never given about what drugs he uses, if any, nor are any details provided regarding his drug-related debt.[8]
The recorded phone call Early on in the film a suspicious Johnny hooks up what looks like a cassette player c. 1985 to the downstairs telephone. Several days later he retrieves a regular cassette tape, only to have had it record the very last phone call between Lisa and Mark (though, when played back, the cassette tape is not actually moving while the sound plays). Wiseau explained in an interview with LaIst: "You can buy a recorder that records 24/7, and the tape can rewind by itself."[9] So, essentially, it was recording and re-recording over itself and Johnny had excellent timing.
The exact date of the wedding Throughout the film it is 'a month away.' Of course, due to Johnny's suicide, it never takes place. An early scene with the male characters in tuxedos seems to imply a pre-wedding fitting, though this is never explicitly stated.
Was Lisa pregnant? At one point during his birthday party Johnny announces 'We're expecting!' Lisa claims, when asked by Michelle, that she lied to him just to keep things 'interesting.' Yet, later in the film Lisa and Mark discuss whether the baby is his or Johnny's. The pregnancy is not mentioned before this point or afterward.
Johnny's origins Johnny's accent and somewhat drugged or dazed expression are never noted by any on-screen characters.
The meaning of the title It is unclear whether the film's title is in reference to a specific place (most probably the living room, where the majority of the film takes place) or is instead a metaphor for Johnny's mental state or reminiscent of the expression 'No man is an island.' The film's poster, a close-up of Wiseau/Johnny, suggests the latter.
Johnny drinks a second time? Johnny claims that he doesn't drink alcohol, which leads into Lisa persuading him to. After Lisa gets what she wants, her bad intentions are revealed. Lisa tries to convince Johnny, as well as others that he struck her while under the influence. Later, at the birthday party, Johnny is handed a glass of champagne (after "Happy Birthday" is sung), which he sips from."
Her kan du se et intervju med mannen og klipp fra hans fantastiske film:TAKK LYNDON!
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